This year’s Bedichek-Orman auction, themed “An Evening in Paris,” was a fantastic event! Thanks to the hard work of Pat Porcynaluk and Cynthia Millis, we truly felt like we had all been whisked away to Paris.

Night in Paris Collage

And thanks to the generosity of the community and the HCC family, we had some amazing silent and live auction items, many of which were showcased by Nathan and Joanna Smith in costume as Quasimodo and Esmerelda and auctioned off by adjunct professor and professional auctioneer Jim Sands. This year the auction also held its very first flea market.

Auction Item Collage

And the entertainment provided by Marybeth Schillaci and coordinated and funded by Alan Ainsworth was AMAZING. Who knew we had such talent right in our own backyard?

Entertainment Collage

Even our volunteers — who worked hard all year round — got in on the fun after a grueling day of setup.

Volunteer Collage

In fact, EVERYONE seemed to have a blast. :-D

Crowd Collage

We can’t wait for next year’s auction!