December 13, 2019 @ 1:00 pm; Central College LH-100

  1. Call to Order: Desmond Lewis
    1. The meeting begins at 1:03pm.
  2. Approval of November 2019 Minutes. 
    1. Tod Bisch makes a motion to approve the minutes; This is seconded on the floor, and the minutes are approved as-is.
  3. Standing Committee Reports:
    1. Compensation, Benefits, & Workload: Tod Bisch
      1. Met on Monday, December 9 and continues to solidify goals
      2. Update: TCCTA salary survey
        1. if anyone would like to assist Gladys Bel and others with this research over the break, please email her.
      3. Germane degrees
        1. The stipend is becoming a NASAD accreditation issue.
        2. Germane degrees / MFA parity linked: there is no easy solution for solving MFA terminal issue.
        3. The committee will pursue the NASAD angle before looking further at germane degrees.  
      4. Credentialing 
        1. Leveling form
          1. There are discrepancies with the current form that the committee would like to address.
      5. Pay Grades
        1. Potential discrepancies with faculty paid at Grades 1 and 2
      6. CE Workload Committee
        1. This group is still working to schedule a meeting time. 
      7. Adjunct Workspace 
        1. There are issues with adjuncts and private spaces to meet with students — specifically at West Loop. 
      8. viii.New Testing Center Policy
        1. A new policy calls for 48 hours’ notice. 
      9. Next Meeting: January 15, 1pm – Central campus, room TBD
    2. Finance & Treasurer’s Report: Mary Lawson – Stacey Higdon reporting
      1. Everything remains much the same from last month; however, the amount for the Bedichek-Orman Operating account has changed.
      2. If anyone has questions, please email Mary Lawson.
    3. Professional Development: Mia Taylor 
      1. No Report 
    4. Educational Affairs: Nikky Boutte-Heiniluoma   
      1. Working the first part of next week to get together information for a faculty survey 
    5. Policies and Procedures: Laurel Lacroix 
      1. No Report
    6. Student Success: Kathy Najafi
      1. No Report 
    7. Graduation: Darin Baskin
      1. Desmond Lewis (DL) begins this report since Darin Baskin (DB) is en route. 
      2. DL: NRG is the possible location for the May ceremony. 
      3. DB: 500 faculty registered; 301 attended / 498 students attended. 
      4. DB: The plan is to keep the December ceremony at the UH location.
    8. Instructional Technology: Stacey Higdon 
      1. Laptops 
        1. Some machines have rolled out to full-time faculty.
        2. A better asset management system will be going into place, so that faculty will get a ping at the end of life for a machine. 
      2. RFP for Copiers
        1. This is on the agenda for the January Board meeting. 
    9. Diversity and Inclusion: Helen Graham
      1. Safe Zone trainings 
        1. These will be rescheduled. Leaders are being identified and there is a meeting with David Cross on Wednesday, December 18. /
        2. Safe Zone is going to be under Student Services. 
      2. Eagle Markets and pantries 
        1. These have been identified across the system and the idea of sponsorship is gaining popularity. 
      3. Food Scholarship
        1. This was a pilot program for a certain number of students. Students could receive 60 pounds of fresh fruit / produce and meat twice a month.  
        2. This is now open to all HCC students. 
      4. Clothing drive  
        1. This was a large undertaking, so the committee is discussing whether or not it should continue this and partner with Career Planning.
  1. Special Reports, Committees and Caucuses:
    1. Past Presidents: Darin Baskin – Alan Ainsworth reporting
      1. Meeting next week
    2. Chair Caucus: Nikky Boutte-Heiniluoma
      1. Meeting on Tuesday, December 10
      2. Rigor Summit
        1. Update on the summit scheduled for February 21; the Caucus has seen the draft of the day’s agenda. 
        2. This will be an annual event intended to look at how departments define and manage rigor.
      3. Initiatives by campus presidents for retention
        1. The hope is that there will be consistency with this soon.
      4. Inclusive Access Coordinator 
        1. An email went out for this internal position. Refer to that if interested in applying. It comes with limited release time. 
      5. Workspace issue 
        1. Adjunct faculty are having difficulties securing FERPA-compliant spaces to meet with students; the Caucus is going to work to improve this.  
      6. PeopleSoft integrations
        1. Convening a group of chairs to see how to better work with PS for stronger integrations 
      7. Program Coordinator Elections 
        1. 10.5-month contract with release time (6-hours in fall, spring, summer) / 4-year contract / elections take place at Instructional Day 
          1. Question from the floor
            1. How will nominations work?
              1. The current understanding is that those will happen the day of the election. 
      8. viii.Title IX 
        1. Also applies to victims of domestic violence: work with the Dean of Student Success to ensure they are getting the necessary deadline extensions 
      9. Canvas Gradebook
        1. Changing format in January 2020  
    3. Adjunct Caucus: Charles LaMendola
      1. Adjunct Orientation meetings will be on January 14 and 16 
        1. Qualitative survey during meetings in the form of focus groups
        2. When the email goes out announcing the dates, please encourage your adjunct faculty to attend.
    4. Bedichek-Orman Auction: Linda Graham and Sheryl Ballard
      1. The theme of the auction will be the 1980s.
    5. Faculty Conference: Debra Schultz and Keitha Robinson
      1. Updated theme: “A Sense of Belonging: Why Faculty Matter/“
      2. Location: Westin Houston Memorial 
    6. All-Faculty Retreat: Helen Graham
      1. New venue: San Luis Resort in Galveston / May 12-14, 2020
      2. Application portal opens in January. 
      3. Price will be $746 
    7. HCC Foundation: Antrece Baggett & Mary Lawson
      1. No report
  2. President’s Report: Desmond Lewis
    1. HB 2504
      1. Students and others can now view results of EGLS3 and link to faculty syllabi and CVs by going to Transparency on the HCC website.
    2. Canvas Gradebook 
      1. Mandated use in Fall 2020 
    3. Program Coordinator (PC)
      1. The new term will begin in August 2020; elections will be on January 13, 2020 at Instructional Day. 
      2. There is still discussion over whether they will report to Dean or Department Chair. This applies specifically to the PC PEP. 
    4. Microsoft Apps (included with 365 subscription)
      1. There will be further integrations with some apps to work in tandem with Ad Astra. Part of anticipated CRM. 
    5. 5 Adopted Goals
      1. Student Success, Community Engagement; Facilities Alignment, Financial Stewardship, Sustainability: more information will be forthcoming.
    6. ORP Resolution
      1. This is under discussion; the Chancellor is in agreement with the idea.
    7. New House Bill
      1. This has to do with disclosing relationships within the college. This information is coming out of HCC General Counsel; more information will follow. 
    8. Directly Responsible Individuals (DRIs) 
    9. This list from the Chancellor is on the Faculty Guidelines page; it is a living document that discusses workspace, police, etc. 
      1. Question: is this list only digital? 
        1. Because it is constantly updating—yes. Desmond Lewis will work with W. Hurd and J. Wormack to see about placing hard copies in certain areas (ex. faculty workrooms)
  3. Monthly Report
    1. This will go out via email each month and will include a video update from Desmond Lewis. The hope is that this type of report could become a tradition. 
  4. Old (unfinished) Business: 
    1. No old business
  5. New Business: 
    1. Graduation – University of Houston: Parking / Facilities
      1. Handicap parking at the designated parking area was a concern.
      2. Access within the Fertitta Center itself could be also become an issue; there is ADA-accessible seating, but it is only in certain sections. 
    2. 3rd Parties / FERPA
      1. Narrative from the floor
        1. A student wanted to meet about classroom misconduct and requested a 3rd party be present at the meeting; however, the student did not have a FERPA notice on file. Both Department Chair and Counseling said this was allowed, but after consulting with a lawyer, this is still unclear. Such a meeting opens the door for liability. 
          1. There is general agreement that HCC needs to have a better policy for this. Having a 3rd party present could also become a security issue.
          2. Comment, Helen Graham 
            1. Search the HCC website for Student FERPA form. This will connect you to the forms that students need for sharing. 
          3. Comment, Nikky Boutte-Heiniluoma
            1. If the student wants a 3rd party present, the faculty member can have one, too (ex. Department Chair, Dean)
          4. Comment, David White
            1. You do not need to meet with a 3rd party if the party is a lawyer; call General Counsel before the meeting begins for clarity.
          5. There is general agreement that HCC needs to have a better policy for 3rd parties and FERPA. 
    3. Rigor Summit
      1. Comment(s), Debra Schultz
        1. Faculty concerns 
          1. Faculty seem concerned that this summit seems like an edict handed down— not something faculty-driven.
            1. Comment, Nikky Boutte-Heiniluoma
              1. Instructional leaders developed the current rigor definition around 2 years ago; the current goal is to relate it to other disciplines. 
            2. Comment, Desmond Lewis
              1. Deans should be working with Program Coordinators on the issue of rigor.   
        2. New Parking Requirements 
          1. Visitor
            1. This is an extra step that creates a barrier for potential students and visitors for events. 
          2. Faculty and staff 
            1. Expected to park in designated spots. Often, students park there, creating another barrier.
              1. Comment, Desmond Lewis 
                1. Will be meeting with Chief Cunningham soon
  6. Announcements:
    1. No Announcements
  7. Adjournment (no “second” required)
    1. The meeting is adjourned at 2:05pm.

NEXT MEETING: January 17, 2019

1PM at Central’s Learning Hub, Room 100