March 13, 2020 @ 1:00 pm; Central College FAC 115

  1. Call to Order: Desmond Lewis. Called to order at 1:00 PM
  2. Guest:        Bob McCraken, Executive Director of Risk Management Chief Greg Cunningham, HCC Police 

Invited to discuss HCC response to COVID-19. Bob McCraken [BM] introduced with a team: Greg Cunningham [CC], Norma Perez [NP], Kurt Ewen [KE], Jerome Drain [JD] and the Chancellor is on his way. For up to date information: Go to MyHCC where there’s a COVID-19 site with all of the relevant information, including policy changes and recommendations. You can also go to the public HCC site. Try to use official, public sources. One of the best sites is the US CDC site.

Dr. Perez sent out an email earlier today clarifying their approach to the COVID-19. Faculty are prepared at different levels. They are working to provide support to provide a hybrid presence, if needed. The situation is changing on a daily basis. Recognize challenges with ADA, looking to provide information on that. Most programs have faculty mentors for one-on-one assistance. In some ways, this is more challenging than Harvey because we don’t have a clear start or a clear ending point. Primary goal is to prepare faculty for possible transition to hybrid or online format. Thinking about how to accomplish lab and other skills-based instruction. We may be able to offer these things, as long as we are reducing the overall number of students that are on campus.

[The Chancellor arrived.] Maldonado is proud of our preparations. They have been working on this for 2 weeks. The governor of Texas has declared the state a “disaster area” because of COVID-19. Looking at “creative scheduling” to control the sizes of groups on campus. We should consider two possible scenarios: 1) Italy, 2) South Korea. We don’t want to be like Italy, we want to be like South Korea. We are trying to minimize the peak of infection rate and ensure a reduced mortality rate. This is an extremely serious issue (according to medical experts). Extraordinary means are needed now to reduce the spread. The Chancellor drew a chart on the board that was similar to the one below:

Our goal is to try to maintain the health of our community and the vitality of our health-care system.

Question: How are we handling the start of online F8B classes?

Answer: [NP] The online classes will have the same start date as F2F (March 25). We do not want the online classes to have a different start date than F2F because that will cause confusion.

Question: When are grades due for F8A?

Answer: For those courses that were unable to complete because of cancellation during final exam period, there will be an extension (please inform Dr. Perez). Cancelled exams were moved to March 27. But if the class was able to be completed, then grades will be due at the scheduled time, March 23.

Question: For classes that move to hybrid, which day should students come?

Answer: This is being determined, but it’s exactly the sort of detail that we need to get to.

Comment: You can create a “Canvas Conference”/Blue Button in Canvas that will enable synchronous conferencing with students.

Comment: If the departments have made a different concession for Lockdown Browser or other means of proctoring exams, then they can use that.

Dr. Perez encourages email with questions. Also, encouraging faculty to communicate with their deans and chairs. You can use [email protected] or [email protected]

Question: Bob McCraken, what is the website you mentioned before?

Answer: https://www.myhcc.hccs.edu/

Chief Cunningham discussed the closure of campuses for cleaning and preventing people from entering the campus. They are trying to consider what campus closure and reopening looks like. There will be procedures on this process (please look out for this). If you are asked to leave a facility, you may be asked to leave for a time (maybe up to 2 weeks), need to plan for that. Personal hygiene: we need to practice personal hygiene protocols. We may need to set up a protocol for entry pathways to limit the areas that need to be cleaned. Please call: number is 713-718-8888

Question: Issue of parking regulations, in reference to emails regarding parking permit. Apparently, parking rules are not being enforced. This queston is coming from West Loop and Central, in particular.

Answer: The question is about enforcement. We are not writing tickets for everyone because our goal is to change behavior, not collect money. Officers have been instructed to issue tickets for 30 minutes and then stop. There is, however, a new enforcement system on unpaid tickets. This is another reason why they are being cautious about ticketing.

Question: Are the chemicals being used in cleaning killing the virus or are they just cleaning the surface?

Answer: Marshall Hines is well equipped to make these decisions with some expertise in this. The Chancellor adds that we are following CDC guidelines.

Question: What do we do about a student who comes to class with clear symptoms but refuses to leave the class?

Answer: [CC] The Dean of Students is the point of contact on this. The correct thing to do is to send the student to the Dean of Students. The problem is diagnosis. He used the example of oak pollen to illustrate this issue. The Chancellor shared a story about a student who complained about their professor who they felt was symptomatic. The important thing is to escalate these issues through the appropriate channels. Your primary contact for students in Dean of Students, your primary contact for faculty is the Talent Engagement Senior Partner (formerly HR generalist).

Question: What do we do about international students who are fearful about filling out the self-reporting form because they do not want to lose hours in fear of deportation?

Answer: This is a something to think about. Shantay Grays is the person that will speak to this issue. They are working on a response to this issue that will be posted on the website.

Kurt Ewen will address some lingering issues. He is addressing new policies on remote work and leave. Be aware of changes to contacts for students, perhaps advising might be moving to partially online. We will have a lot of communication on these issues, trying to provide video content. We are also doing a lot of work to collect data. Faculty are the primary contact points to direct surveys out to students to find out information. We need to estimate who will drop off during this period. We need faculty help to identify students that may drop off. There is a daily podcast on YouTube with the Up to the Minute at HCC TV. If you have questions, please send to the podcast.

Question: What about dual credit students?

Answer: Dual credit students are HCC students. Dr. Michael Edwards is working on this.

Question: What about Internet options? Especially considering hot-spot offers from Comcast and others.

Answer: Feryl Prestage noted that they are meeting with Comcast to try to provide access to students. They are trying to take advantage of some of these offers. [KE] We recognize that most of our students come from the lowest two SES quintiles and so they may be effected more heavily. We also understand that there are dead zones and so we may not be able to help everyone.

Question: Should we expand the testing centers? Some faculty are not comfortable with online proctoring tools and some students do not have access to laptops/desktops necessary to take these tests.

Answer: [KE] Issue of proctored exams is an ongoing issue. The Chancellor addressed this issue as a general conversation across the country. He believes this is an opportunity for us to enter the 21st century. We are trying to make changes to move in a more technologically proficient system.

Question: On dual credit: if the HS is closed, are students still supposed to complete HCC work online while their campus is closed?

Answer: [NP] We are expecting dual credit students to behave like HCC students and work within our campus guidelines. We also need to think about DC faculty.

Question: In a science lab, how do we protect students and faculty who need to share equipment?

Answer: This is similar to the issue with cashiers. Right now the way they are handling this is by providing latex gloves so that they don’t have fear of sharing supplies. 

Question: What about online labs?

Answer: Some schools are doing this. There are tools you can use. It’s a challenge, but we need to think differently about how we provide this instruction. The Chancellor adds that he is not trying to put obstacles in our way. The CDC, county, and city are rolling out guidelines and directions. We are managing within this. Let’s not forget that the students have a say in this. If a student prefers online and another college offers online labs, the students will move their enrollment elsewhere.

Comment: Think about the way they are doing instruction online.

Answer: There are ways that others have handled this. The Chancellor discusses examples from China and from his prior institution where they offered culinary classes online. He emphasizes that the faculty are the ones who determine whether students have met required learning outcomes.

Comment: To our deans, we might need to think about publisher courseware that can facilitate online instruction.

[Additional questions should be sent to the FAS president or other senior administration.]

  • Approval of February 2020 Minutes. 

Motion to approve, seconded. Request to review minutes on the screen. 

Motion to include online votes in order to reach quorum.

Point of order: we do not have a mechanism for remote voting. If we do not have a quorum in person, then we should not address any business at this meeting.

David Ross clarifies that Old Business and New Business is the only area where we conduct business. We can move to dismiss.

Move for a roll call vote. 32 senators are signed in from 7 divisions. In-person quorum is confirmed.

  • Standing Committee Reports:
  1. Compensation, Benefits, & Workload: Tod Bisch

Tod Bisch presented the PowerPoint presentation of Compensation, Benefits, & Workload priorities for the year. He is reviewing that presentation quickly (please refer to presentation for details). Priorities outlined below.


  • Increase adjunct faculty pay (2%), estimate $600K impact
  • Increase full-time faculty steps to 37 steps and adjust faculty placement based on longevity, estimated $548K impact
  • Make Grade 3 the minimum for all full-time faculty, estimated $46K impact
  • Make Grade 12 the grade for faculty with an MFA, estimated $57K impact

These costs are estimates created by the compensation committee. We have not received specific budget impacts from the administration.

Question: Given that the MFA is a terminal degree, and the MBA is also a terminal degree, should they be terminal degree?

Answer: There is a response about research into this degree. Bisch and Bell responded that they need more evidence to pursue that. We need to look at comparisons at universities and other credentialing guidelines. Smith responded that in committee we considered MBA, JD, and other degrees but that there were many other issues to be considered on this point and we needed to do additional research.

Question: Is there any particular order or priority in the way these priorities are presented?

Answer: This committee has a long-standing policy of not presenting an order.

Question: What is the likelihood that they will increase adjunct pay by 2% anyway?

Answer: In the past, the college has raised adjunct pay based on actions by other colleges. 

Motion to move new business up because we may be in danger of losing a quorum. Seconded. Unanimous approval.

  • Finance & Treasurer’s Report: Mary Lawson

Only change is to professional development fund. We gave out $1320 in professional development funds to adjuncts.

  • Professional Development: Mia Taylor 

No report.

  • Educational Affairs: Nikky Boutte-Heiniluoma

No report. Meeting scheduled for April 2. 

  • Policies and Procedures: Laurel Lacroix 

No report.

  • Student Success: Kathy Najafi

No report.

  • Graduation: Darin Baskin

Graduation is scheduled for May 15 at 1:00 PM at NRG Center. Please visit website for more information: https://www.hccs.edu/resources-for/current-students/graduation/

Faculty need to register with Marching order: https://www.marchingorder.com/graduate/grad_login.asp

  • Instructional Technology: Stacey Higdon 

No report.

  1. Diversity and Inclusion: Helen Graham

No report.

  • Special Reports, Committees and Caucuses:
  1. Past Presidents: Darin Baskin

No report.

  • Chair Caucus: Nikky Boutte-Heiniluoma

No report.

  • Adjunct Caucus: Charles LaMendola

Adjunct Caucus did not meet today amid public health concerns and will indefinitely postpone annual Spring Adjunct Appreciation Event. The Caucus ask faculty and Chairs to encourage adjunct to attend meetings when available and contact us with concerns. I will follow up with Desmond and Nikky regarding recommendations raise in our survey report. LaMendola had asked about the $500 stipend for Adjunct Academy professional development. This was sent to the FAS president to pursue. He has received it and is working on it.

  • Bedichek-Orman Auction: Linda Graham and Sheryl Ballard

No report.

  • Faculty Conference: Debra Schultz and Keitha Robinson

Form from the guest speaker will be sent out to all faculty. Thank you from the committee for everyone’s attendance. Debra Schultz and Keitha Robinson thank the committee volunteers, the presenters, and those whom attended for helping to make the 2020 Faculty Conference a success.

  • All-Faculty Retreat: Helen Graham

Registration is still open.

  • HCC Foundation: Antrece Baggett & Mary Lawson

No report.

  • President’s Report: Desmond Lewis

COVID-19 is the big issue of concern for everyone right now. This is why we are offering the WebEx option for the Faculty Senate meeting.

New COE of Education at Southeast, Ted Hanley will be the Dean of that COE.

  • Old (unfinished) Business: 

Question concerning the resolution for ORP matching with increased TRS contributions. The Chancellor is in favor of this, but they are waiting on the budget process.

  • New Business:

Motion to support the Compensation committee’s recommendations. 

No other new business.

  • Announcements:

Upswing is open throughout COVID-19 issues. Encourage students to go to Upswing for tutoring.

  1. Adjournment (no “second” required) Meeting adjourned at 2:47 PM.

NEXT MEETING: April 17, 2020

1PM at Central’s Learning Hub, Room 100