Chair: Jennifer Vacca

[email protected]

The Professional Development and Conferences Committee will host and/or provide support for the major professional development programs of the Faculty Senate including Bedichek-Orman Professional Development Grant recipients (paid from the Bedichek-Orman Professional Operating Fund), recognizing teaching excellence via the Teaching Excellence Award, assisting with the Chancellor’s Eagle Award, and planning and executing the annual Bedichek-Orman Auction, Faculty Conference, and Faculty Retreat.

In addition, this committee will liaise with all college professional development initiatives including but not limited to divisions/programs, COEs, and Center for Teaching and Learning. Recommended Subcommittee(s): Bedichek-Orman Professional Operating Fund Grant Selection Subcommittee, Bedichek-Orman Auction Planning Subcommittee, Teaching Excellence Award Subcommittee, Faculty Conference Subcommittee, and Faculty Retreat Subcommittee;